Chef Raphael visits all our châteaux. He offers a Cuisine of southern Burgundy and Bresse essentially featuring the AOC and AOP (appellation controlled high quality produces).
Raphael and his wife Sandra use to own during 15 years a very good local restaurant.
Please note that it was too difficult to translate the dishes into English, you may want to use google translation to give you an idea.
Bon appétit !
Chef Raphael's diner menu
First course : (please choose the same course for all the group)
- Oeufs en meurette et Croûtons aillés
- Feuilleté d'escargots aux Marc de Bourgogne
- Gâteau de foies de volailles et sa crème de tomates
- Terrine de foie gras fabrication maison et ses toasts au pain de maïs (supplément 5 euros)
- Salade de gésiers et chèvre Maconnais A.O.P; vinaigrette au Xéres
- Soupe froide (Gaspacho) de tomates aux épices
Main course : (please choose the same course for all the group)
- Poulet de Bresse A.O.C - à la crème de Varennes Saint Sauveur A.O.P
- au Vin Jaune du Jura
- à la crème de Bresse et aux morilles (supplément 5 euros)
- façon Gaston Gérard (Moutarde, vin blanc et fromage)
- Coq au Vin
- Boeuf bourguignon
- Ballotine de Pintade, crème de Légumes et queues d'écrevisses
- Magret de canard au vinaigre de framboises
- Pièce de Boeuf Charolais A.O.C au poivre vert
- Blanquette de cabillaud à l'armoricaine
All main courses are accompanied by a selection of 3 vegetables including Gratin dauphinois.
Dessert: (please choose the same course for all the group)
- Crème brûlée aux framboises
- Tarte au chocolat et sa crème anglaise maison
- Salade de fruits frais à la menthe
- Tiramisu
- Iles flottantes aux Pralines
- Crème Caramel
Please note :
When booking your menu we ask you to choose the same dish for all guests.
Chef Raphael needs your help to serve plates so he could prepare them progressively. If you wish to be served at the table by a waiter or waitress, a participation of € 20.00 per hour is requested (to be reserved at the time of booking).
Chef Raphael takes care of the washing up of his cooking equipments and work plans before leaving the Castle, but will not do the washing up of your dishes and crockery.
After the main course is served, Chef Raphael makes the dessert ready for you to be served and leaves the Château.
Prices and Payment :
A flat fee of € 60.00 is required per evening, it is a contribution to the working time, the shopping expenses and production costs.
The menu (first course, main course, dessert) is priced at € 35.00 per person (bread included).
Table service by a waiter or waitress is priced at € 20.00 per hour.
If you wish the cheeses of our regions an extra € 5.00 per person is requested (4 different cheeses.)
Children up to 10 years can eat the same menu but smaller portion for the price of € 20.00.
A 10% discount is given for bookings of three nights or more during your stay at the Chateau.
The total payment is due upon arrival of Chef Raphael. Only French checks and cash are accepted, please prepare the right sum as the Chef will not carry any change. Thank you for paying before the diner to Chef Raphael so he can leave at the end of his performance without having to disturb you with money issues.
Please contact Chef Raphael directly.
It is advisable to book your dates several weeks/months in advance. To save time and misunderstandings, please indicate in your email :
- The number of adults, and if applicable the number of children under 10 years.
-The name of the Kasteliades property you are staying at.
- The date or dates you want to book and the time that you want to sit at the table, Chef Raphael will arrive two hours before (please be there to open the door of the Kitchen.
- The chosen dish for each of the 3 courses.
- If you wish the service at table by Sandra (extra of 20 Euros per hour).
Email address :
You can also contact your Chef Raphael on his mobile or send sms to :
Tél. : +33 (0)6 45 83 62 23
(please note the Chef is available to serve you only from Tuesday to Saturday included).