Chef Thomas at the Chateau Gastronomic dinner (Michelin star style) served at the Château by Chef Thomas.


You can rent the services of this brilliant Chef and his team of Top Chefs who will cook for you at the Château during your stay. 
I have been recommending Thomas to my guests since 2009, and he has done hundreds of diners in our Châteaux. Our golden books are full with letters from guests saying how much Thomas and his team diners were one of the most “unforgettable Gastronomic experience” they had... so I thought this would be a good titleJ.

Your "Chef de Cuisine" at the Château ! How and About :

Thomas or one of his Top Chefs will come at the Château between 6 and 6.30pm (please make sure you are here to welcome him). A part of the diner will have been prepared by Thomas himself in his laboratory in the afternoon, with fresh produces bought on the same day. Thomas or one of his Top Chefs takes over the Château kitchen and prepares the meal, the Chef stays until the last dish is served.
Please kindly note that the Chef will not serve, set up the table, collect plates on the table or do the washing up (except of course for his cooking equipment). It is a Chef, not a waiter. So if you don’t want to bother with the service of your diner we highly recommend that Thomas can organize for you the services of a waitress at a very reasonable price of 20 Euros per hour.

Menus & Rates

Thomas charges a fix rate of 100 Euros as participation to his working hours (around 8 hours including his shopping time) and transport costs, plus a price per person to cover the purchase of food. This price per person depends on the menu you choose.
It is almost impossible to translate these mainly French Cuisine receipts in English without losing too much of its meaning. That is why the following meal examples have not been translated.

Menu « GASTONOMIQUE », 5 courses Menu : (55 euros per Person +100 euros fix rate)
Amuse bouches
Suivant le marché
Entrée aux choix : (same dish for all the table)
Opéra de foie gras de canard 1er choix, pain d’épices, coulis cassis
Ecrasé d’avocats aux épices, émietté de tourteaux aux fines herbes, chutney mangues
Poisson aux choix : (same dish for all the table)
Ravioles de homard aux celeris rave, jus crémeux
Filet de dorade royale, tagliatelles de légumes, beurre blanc à l’aneth
Viande aux choix : (same dish for all the table)
Pièce de veau aux morilles et vin jaune, légumes du marché
Pigeonneau royal farci cuisson basse température, légumes du marché, jus simple
Fromage au choix : (same dish for all the table)
Trilogie de fromages de la région
Brie farci aux truffes
Dessert au choix : (same dish for all the table)
Tarte, tuile et chantilly chocolat noir, caramel salé
Sablé Breton au fruits de saison et son coulis

Menu « DECOUVERTE » : (participation of 45 euros per person +100 euros fix rate)
Amuse Bouches
Suivant le marché
Entrée aux choix : (same dish for all the table)
Tartelette d’escargots de bourgogne, crème d’ail et jus de persil, salade de jeunes pousses
Crémeux de queues d’écrevisses aux fines herbes et tomates fraiches, crème de raifort
Brochette de langoustines et mousseline de sandre panée, bisque légère
Plat aux choix : (same dish for all the table)
Suprème de volaille fermière farci aux morilles, jus crémeux, légumes de saison
Paleron de bœuf charolais confit sauce vin rouge, légumes du moment
Pressé de poitrine de veau et échalottes confites, légumes du marché, jus simple
Pavé de saumon label en crépinette d’herbes, légumes du marché, sauce vierge
Fromage aux choix : (same dish for all the table)
Trilogie de fromages de la région
Nougat d’époisses et pain d’épices
Dessert au choix : (same dish for all the table)
Pralin croquant et chocolat noir, crème anglaise vanille
Financier pistache-framboises, coulis de fruits rouges, crème légère
Entremet mangue-passion, biscuit coco, coulis exotique

Menu « Bourguignon» (participation of 30 euros per person +100 euros fix rate)
Entrée aux choix : (same dish for all the table)
Jambon persillé, mesclun de salade, chantilly à la graine de moutarde
Rillettes de saumon, taost, petite salade
Œufs de poule fermière en meurette
Plat aux choix : (same dish for all the table)
Boeuf bourguignon et sa garniture, gratin de pommes de terre
Joues de porc confites sauce moutarde, garniture du marché
Lapin à la moutarde, garniture du marché
Filet de poulet fermier façon Gaston Gérard, légumes de saison
Poisson du marché beurre au chardonnay, écrasé de pomme de terre à la ciboulette
Fromage aux choix : (same dish for all the table)
Fromage blanc ail et fines herbes
Assiette de fromages
Dessert au choix : (same dish for all the table)
Tarte fine aux pommes
Parfait glacé aux cassis
Ile flottante, crème anglaise pain d’épices
Child Menu (participation of 15 euros per Child)
Entrée aux choix : (same dish for all the table)
Tomates et queues de crevettes mayonnaise
Assiette de charcuterie
Plat aux choix : (same dish for all the table)
Emincé de volaille à la crème, pâtes fraiches
Hamburger, pommes de terre sautées
Poisson du marché pané, tagliatelle fraiches
Dessert au choix : (same dish for all the table)
Panna cotta carambar
Mousse au chocolat, petit sablé

How to book?

If you don’t’ contact Toma several months in advance, the chance is high that he will not have any day available in the week. We advise to give Toma several options in your wished day.
If you contact Toma during your holiday or just a few days before arriving, then contact him by sms or telephone because he does not read emails every day. 
Please clearly indicate all the following information in your email:
- Your first choice for the date, and if you can, please give Toma other options on dates.
- The number of adults and children (for children menus).
- The name of the Menu you have chosen and your chosen dish for each course.
- Please indicate if you wish to have a waitress for your diner or not (20 euros per hour).
- The payment will take place on the evening of your diner, Toma does not ask for advanced deposit.
Contact Thomas Lecourbe by email : Or Mobile: 00 33 6 61 82 12 99
Please pay the Chef when he arrives so that he can leave the Château after dessert is served without having to disturb you with money issues.